Rules of Classic Parcheesi
How to play Classic Parcheesi
Parcheesi is one of the most popular board games in the world. It has been played for many years, both by young and old, and by people from all walks of life.
Parcheesi rules vary by region, but stick to its basic rules. The common rules of Parcheesi are the following:
- It is a game for four players.
- It is played with a board, four tokens per player and dice.
- Player tokens are identified by color (four of each color), as are the starting squares and the first square when leaving, known as Insurance.
- The game consists of going around the board, advancing the number of squares indicated by the dice. The first player to get all their pieces into the goal wins.
- Only two tokens can be placed together in the squares, from the same player or different ones.
- Rolling a 6 allows you to roll again. But, if six comes out three times in a row, the player has to return his most advanced token to the start.
- In addition, there is a group of complementary Parcheesi rules that are what make it such an exciting game.
These are the parts with which the board is composed:
- Four output boxes. One in each corner, which is where each player waits to draw their tokens.
- The goal. It is a box located in the center of the board, which you have to reach to win. It has four entrances, one for each player.
- Step boxes. These are the segments into which the route is divided. They are blank boxes.
- Insurance. They are colored squares that are found at the exits (first square when exiting), and distributed around the board, at intervals of five steps, and seven in the curves. The insurance that is right at the exit is the player's color and is of preferential use for him. The other locks are neutral in color and can be used by everyone equally.
When it comes to going out, it is not enough to roll the dice and see what comes out. Certain rules must be met:
- A token can only be drawn and put into circulation when a 5 is rolled.
- The first box found when exiting is that player's private insurance. When the player is going to draw a token and the insurance is occupied, the player who invaded it has to remove his tokens because they are "eaten" and therefore he has to return them to the start.
Advancing across the board also has its tricks and rules that you have to know:
- The number obtained on the dice indicates the number of squares that can be advanced with a token that is in circulation at the player's choice.
- To enter the goal you need the exact number of missing squares.
- Being "eaten" is the most annoying thing that happens to one in Parcheesi. When a player advances the necessary squares and lands on the same square in which there is another player's piece, they "eat" it, which means that this piece has to return to the beginning.
- The "eat" rule is the cause of those funny chases that are undertaken in Parcheesi, which is what makes a great rivalry arise between the players.
- No token can be “food” when it is in insurance.
Parcheesi rewards are measured in progress squares:
- When a player "eats" another's token, they receive a reward of 20 squares. The reward squares are not advanced with the same token that you "ate", but with another one. If there are no more tokens in circulation, the reward is lost.
- When a token enters the finish line, the player gets 10 reward slots which, obviously, they will advance with another token.
A Bridge is formed when the player puts two tokens together on a safe or blank square. This blocks the path to others. It serves as a delay mechanism for rivals, but only for a while, since those chips are stopped and they also delay. The player has to be very careful with the use of the bridge. The bridge has to be broken when a six is rolled.
It is also the case that a bridge is formed with tokens of different colors, the players will not be blocked, but will jump said square.